Importing sub into blender as a .obj model
Zoomed in view of camera object in blender placed on modeled camera
Placing the
Note “ctrl+L” to select the paired vertices, allows to delete the entire object in the blender obj file type
“Ctrl + alt + 0” locks the camera to current view
“0” change view to camera view
“5” changes from orthographic to perspective view
3 side view
9 opposite view (if looking bottom from top, switches to looking up from bottom)
7 top view
Be sure to click on the camera to bring up the camera properties
Utilizing the camera properties here
DFOV / HFOV / VFOV | 81° / 69° / 55° |
Using this forum post to size correctly here
Currently we see that the gripper is not in view of the camera when stowed
“Alt + z” for x ray view
“X” delete tool
Note when importing .obj files into blender set the model dimensions to meters, here the dimensions in blender scaled 1 inch to 1 meter
“Shift z” goes to wireframe
Side view with the lid mission about 25 inches from bottom of the sub. Note with the incorrect units while exporting from fusion to blender the FOV is incorrect.
This is what the bottom facing camera may see when the top of the bin is about 25 inches below the sub. Note not accounting for the color change from the water
Current settings of the camera: (note treating 1m as 1 inch and applying the proper conversions)